TRANSALPINA – drumul din nori ~ TRANSAPLINA – the road from the clouds ~ |

TransAlpina, cunoscut si sub numele de Drumul Regelui,este cel mai inalt drum rutier din Romania si chiar din intregul lant al Muntilor Carpati, atat din Romania cat si diin afara ei, atingand altitudinea maxima in Pasul Urdele 2145 m. Soseaua traverseaza Muntii Parang de la N la S fiind paralela cu Valea Oltului si Valea Jiului aflandu-se intre acestea. Desi este mai inalta mai veche si mai frumoasa decat Transfagarasanul, este mai putin cunoscuta pentru ca , Transalpina, cu toate ca este catalogat drum national, DN 67c (partial), nu a fost pana in 2009 niciodata asfaltata.Azi, soseaua mai este “asfaltatata” in proportie de 25%

Daca Transfagarasanul este de nota 9, TransAlpina merita cu siguranta un big 10 pt peisaje, aventura si mister.

Acest drum exista inca de pe vremea lui Decebal, fiind construit de romani in timpul razboaielor dacice. Transalpina a fost pietruita de nemti in timpul Primului Razboi Mondial, reconstruita in anul 1935 de Carol al II-lea si apoi reabilitata de nemti in timpul celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial.

Poate ca tocmai faptul ca a fost un drum asa greu de parcurs a ajutat Transalpina sa-si pastreze neatinsa salbaticia si farmecul aparte pe care putine locuri din tara il mai au. Este printre putinele drumuri din tara pe care se poata ajunge cu masina pana la… nori si chiar deasupra lor.


The Transalpina or DN67C located in the Parâng Mountains group, in the Southern Carpathians of Romania, is one of the most spectacular roads of the Carpathian Mountains. It connects Novaci, south of Parâng Mountains, to Sebes in the north.

It is said that the road was built under King Carol II and rebuilt during World War II by German troops and it is called The King’s Road by the locals. Also a story has it that Nicolae Ceausescu had the Transfagarasan Road (DN7C) built during the communist regime just to surpass the Transalpina.

The road has its highest point at Urdele Pass, where the elevation is 2,145m above sea level. Given the high altitude, the road is closed during the cold months of the year. Works began in 2007 in order to transform this spectacular road into a modern highway (148 km), allowing a rapid transit between Oltenia and Transylvania.

Rânca, a newly developed resort, is located towards the south end of the Transalpina road.

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~ Belis – Fantanele : Biserica de sub ape – o poveste plina de mister ~ |

Lacul Belis-Fântânele este un lac artificial de acumulare din Muntii Gilaului, judetul Cluj.

A fost amenajat în perioada 1970-1974 cu scop hidroenergetic, pe cursul râului Somesul Cald. Are o suprafata de 9,8 kmp si o lungime de 13 km, fiind situat la o altitudine de 990 m. Pe malul lacului se afla statiunea turistica Belis-Fântânele.

Comuna Belis are o istorie ciudata si este cunoscuta de catre cei care locuiesc in centrul Transilvaniei.
Belisul este o comuna mica, avand doar 1.300 de locuitori. In urma cu 40 de ani, toti taranii din Belis au fost nevoiti sa-si paraseasca gospodariile si sa se mute pe un deal aflat in imediata apropiere a comunei. Peste Belis au venit apele, edilii acelor vremuri triste, construind un imens baraj hidrografic. La ora actuala peste vechea vatra a asezarii se afla lacul de acumulare Fantanele-Belis.

Inainte ca biserica sa fie inghitita de ape definitiv, aceasta era vizibila de orinde te uitai deoarece era construita pe o magura, iar casele locuitorilor moti erau construite in jurul acesteia parca gravitand continuu, atrase de o forta nevazuta ochiului uman. Indiferent de anotimp, biserica ramanea un punct de reper pentru moti si acestia faceau ce faceau si mereu se regaseau si se intorceau in sanul acesteia.

Vara, cand apa lacului scade, locuitorii pot vederea cum rasar din imensa intindere de apa varfurile vechii biserici, dar si casele aflate la zeci de metri sub apa. In anotimpul verii, amatorii de scufundari au parte de peisaje incredibile atunci cand inoata pe vechile strazi ale Belisului.

Datorita peisajului de munte, zona Belisului este recomandata pentru tratamentul surmenajului fizic si intelectual.


Belis village from Cluj County is particularly renowned for the presentation of the special habitat (between 1000 and 1300 meters altitude), the mountain tourist trails in the area, the simplicity of the villages that make up the settlement and through the the existance of Fantanele-Belis lake that stretches over a length of about 27 km.

The creation of the huge body of water of about 900 ha was possible by transmuting the location of Belis settlement about 3 km, where it is today.The entire memory of the place and the stories are kept between the great walls of a church located on the bottom of the reservoir dam-Fantanele Belis. Sometimes, when the lake falls, you can see the walls of the church.

Belis village is situated at the foot of the Vlădeasa mountain from Apuseni Mountains in the north-west of the county of Cluj, at an altitude of 1,125 m.

Belis is at a distance of 27 km from the city of Huedin, at 77 km from Cluj-Napoca and at 133 km from Oradea.

At about 3 km, located in a special mountainous area is situated the Belis-Fântânele Lake. The lake stretches on a length of about 27 km, with a total area of 900 ha of water surface.

Belis flood story

Before finding its grave on a bottom of a lake, the old Belis was nestled on Somesul Cald River, in between mountain hills. A village in a valley, the church in the middle of it, built on a hill, surrounded by wooden houses of the Moti, (this is how inhabitants from Apuseni area are known) could be seen from every corner of the village.

Life was simple for the villagers, closely related to wood forests,to growing animals, family and the church in the center of the village. For them the church was the protector of the village of high winds or snow storms, floods and devastating droughts.” Moti” thought the church has always been there and as long as they saw it there on the hill, they knew that nothing bad can happen to them.

But in a late autumn, the news spread that Belis would be flooded. Communists had decided to build a dam and the waters of the lake would cover everything, and villagers were to carry their children, homes and animals to move them up the arid coast of Ungur (the Hungarian). That is how the curse began.

One by one, carts pulled by oxen, they started carrying up the hill piece by piece households of Belis.So households were relocated together with the villagers and all.

Finally, in Belis had only remained a few collapsed houses. The soul of the village was preparing to ascend to heaven. And then someone asked: “And the church?”. In great haste, the church was devoid of icons, religious objects and church vestments.

The bells and the roof were also taken up the hill, but nevertheless, the sharp edges of the stone tower still seemed arrogant, undefeated.” Moti” Church wanted to die there together with the soul of the village.

The last who left the village were the dead. The entire village came down from the Hungarian;s Coast (Coasta Ungurului) and had invaded the cemetery. Every family has searched to the bones in the graves. The priest held a very a beautiful religious ceremony, then the dead were put in cattle wagons, and climbed the hill. At every crossroad,they stopped and the priest muttered prayers, taking with him a censerwith incense. People looked back silently, frowning, to their past life that would be covered with water.

And so began the building of the huge dam Belis – Fantanele…

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