Cetatea Poenari – Adevarata casa a lui Dracula ~ The Poenari Castle – The real home of Dracula |www.welcome2romania.wordpress.com

Aproape de barajul Vidraru, in varful muntelui Cetatuia, se profileaza vechea cetate Poienari, la care se ajunge urcand 1480 de trepte din beton care serpuiesc printr-o padure de fag. Aici, la altitudinea de 850 m, protejata de pante abrupte, s-a inaltat cetatea “cuib de vulturi al vitejilor de demult”, care facea parte, cu veacuri in urma, dintr-un lant de fortificatii ce aparau hotarul nordic al Tarii Romanesti.

In veacul al XIII-lea, exista doar un turn din piatra bruta, dar in veacul al XIV-lea, fortificatia a imbracat tot varful de stanca cu ziduri groase din piatra sparta captusite in partile superioare cu caramida. Constructia nu putea adaposti decat o garnizoana de vreo 30-40 de soldati, suficient insa pentru a stingheri miscarile armateii dusmane.

Aici este locul în care, potrivit legendei, Vlad Tepes s-a retras din calea turcilor. Accesul pâna la zidurile ei groase este si azi un chin, pentru ca nu se lasa cucerita decât de cei care se încumeta sa urce cele 1.480 de trepte zidite în coama dealului. Poate si aceasta provocare atrage mii de turisti anual, care, odata ajunsi în vârf, au parte de o priveliste incredibila. Ruinele cetatii lasa sa se întrevada un peisaj unic prin salbaticia si splendoarea sa. Acest lucru a facut ca administratia judeteana sa-si îndrepte mai mult atentia asupra acestui obiectiv turistic.

Cu toate ca in “Letopisetul Cantacuzinesc” se spune ca cetatea a fost ridicata din porunca lui Vlad Tepes care, voind sa pedepseasca pe boieri: “…pe toti i-a dus la Poenari si au tot lucrat la cetate pana li s-au spart hainele dupre ei…”, se pare ca aceasta intamplare este legata doar de refacerea sau completarea ei ulterioara.

Cetatea a fost ultimul refugiu al domnitorului inainte de a pleca in Transilvania. Ea a fost una din fortificatiile care au contribuit la victoria finala a romanilor din anul 1462. Lui Vlad Tepes, ii revine meritul de a fi intarziat pentru cel putin sapte decenii inaintarea armatelor otomane catre sud-centrul Europei. Ultima restaurare a cetatii a fost facuta intre anii 1969-1972, cand s-au consolidat si inaltat zidurile, s-au construit drepte de acces care permit vizitarea in cele mai bune conditii a intregii fortarete.

O mare parte din portiunea nordica a zidului nu se mai pastreaza prabusindu-se odata cu stanca pe care se sprijinea, la cutremurul din 1915. Constructiile sunt ridicate direct pe stanca, folosindu-se barne de stejar pentru nivelare si coeziune, in asa fel incat, din cauza pantei abrupte, la exterior inaltimea lor este mult mai mare. Incaperile interioare ale turnurilor semicirculare au partea superioara la aproximativ acelasi nivel cu cel de calcare al interiorului cetatii dupa nivelare, iar ele sunt pardosite cu caramizi dreptunghiulare, la nivelul podelei fiind practicate deschideri de tragere pentru artilerie. La o naltime de 3,5 m in interiorul turnurilor semicilindrice era amenajat un culoar de straja ori o platforma, precum ne lasa sa intelegem urmele grinzilor de lemn in zidul turnurilor amintite.

O legenda despre cetatea Poenari, cunoscuta sub numele de Raul Doamnei, vorbeste despre sotia domnitorului, care stiind ca turcii sunt in apropiere si simtind ca nu mai are nici o scapare, s-a urcat pe metetrezele dinspre raul Arges si a strigat soldatilor ca prefera sa se omoare decat sa fie prizoniera turcilor. Apoi doamna tarii s-a aruncat in prapastie, trupul zdrobindui-se de stancile udate de apa raului. Locul unde a cazut s-a inrosit datorita sangelui doamnei, si acest lucru este vizibil si in zilele noastre.

Photos: Valentin.Velican,Art brut1,Travel & photo,Ovidiu H.,orbulas_sandybanks,


The Poenari Citadel / Poenari Castle / Cetatea Poenari is the Fortress where Dracula’s Legend started, or, more precisely, the castle where Vlad Tepes has lived (it was known also as “Cetatea lui Negru Voda” or “Cetatea lui Tepes Voda”), on the Arges River Valey, close to Fagaras Mountains. The ruined castle is a worldwide attraction, not extensive in size, which stands on a cliff from Fagaras Mountains (860 metters altitude), on the right side of the DN7C (Transfagarasean Road) Pitesti – Curtea de Arges – Vidraru. Some Romanians named the trail ” The great Romanian Wall”, and there is a manageable walk up until the ruins, but need to climb many steps (1480) to reach it.

As you drive on the Transfagarasan road from Curtea de Arges, beyond Capatanenii Pamantani (the last village on the route), the Poienari fortress suddenly appears, almost unreal, hanging on a cliff. And you think: “Wow! I have to see this. To touch it.”

The first Romanian rulers of Wallachia built the Poenari fortress in the early 13th century. We are talking about the rectangular tower (see the plan sketch). Around the 14th century, it was the main citadel of the Basarab rulers. Then, over time, the castle was left in ruins.

The first written proof of its existence is a document from 1453 where the Hungarian king Ludovic the 5th asked the Sibiu people to repair the fortress in order to use it against the Turks’ attacks.

Well, in the 15th century, Vlad Tepes Dracula noticed the huge potential for a fortified castle in such position. He repaired and consolidated the structure (see the second stage on the plan sketch), making it one of his main fortresses.

About the view. It’s marvelous on a clear day. But, look closely to the clouds if it’s not a clear day. It’s an area where the weather changes fast. If the clouds are down and compact and move from the mountains to Curtea de Arges and you still want to climb to the Poienari fortress, your experience will be somewhat different but still memorable.

You’ll have all the chance in the world to find yourself in the middle of a kind of “twilight zone”. It’s a bad thing for the view because, depending on the cloud’s density, you’ll have only a few meters/feet of visibility. This, of course, is good for your imagination about vampires and ghosts – but don’t expect to find such things in the real world of the castle.

As you climb the stairs the light finds its way through the trees with more difficulty. Pay attention to the shadowed stairs because they are not in the best shape. Before 1972, when the stairs were built, it was only a hidden trail here.

The legend of fortress’ building

It is said that a large number of landowners and merchants weren’t satisfied with the manner in which Vlad Tepes (The Impaler) ruled. They formed a conspiracy to catch the ruler and sell him to the Turks. However, Vlad Dracula found out about this plot, planned his own vengeance and acted first.

On Easter Day in 1457 he invited them all to his Targoviste Court to enjoy the holiday. He then trapped them at the religious service in the church and forced them to walk to Poienari. Once there, he raised his sword toward the old fortress ruins and ordered them to repair and consolidate those ruins by Toma’s Sunday (the first Sunday after Easter Day).

It’s hard to believe this can be the truth, but the legend says that the people preferred hard work to dying on a stake. Lots of them lost their lives there but they finished the construction by Toma’s Sunday, as ordered. All those alive were forgiven by Vlad Tepes because he decided they’d learnt their lesson.

The Vlad Tepes escape legend

When the Turks conquered the Poienari Fortress it is said that Vlad Tepes’ wife threw herself from the fortress walls. The ruler escaped through a secret passage (nobody has ever found it) and arrived in the Arefu village.

The villagers advised him to invert the horseshoes and showed him the mountains trails where he could find safety. As a reward, Vlad Dracula gifted the Poienari surrounding lands to those villagers.

In fact, you can see the donation agreement written on a rabbit skin at the National Museum of Romanian History (a very copmlex website, unfortunately only in Romanian language, will open a new window) in Bucharest. He gave them 5000ha/12500acres of wood.

Well, legend or truth, the Poienari Fortress has inspired great stories and played its part in Romania’s history. It’s worth being conquered by you, traveler.

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~ Castelul Regal de la Săvârșin ~ The Royal Castle of Săvârşin ~ | www.welcome2romania.wordpress.com

Castelul regal de la Săvârșin este un castel deținut de familia regală română și situat pe domeniul de la Săvârșin, județul Arad, România. Pe locul clădirii actuale se găsea în secolul al XVIII-lea castelul familiei nobiliare Forray.

La 9 iunie 1784 de aici a fost rapit vicecomitele Andrei Forray (senior) de catre haiducii conduși de Petre Baciu. Seful administratiei comitatului a fost eliberat numai după satisfacerea revendicărilor haiducilor de catre însuși Iosif al II-lea, împăratul de la Viena. Nu peste mult timp, la 3 noiembrie 1784 au sosit aici cetele lui Horia, Cloșca și Crișan, cărora li s-au alăturat iobagii de pe domeniu, care au refuzat să se opună răsculaților.

Refacută la începutul secolului al XIX-lea, în stil neoclasic și prevăzut cu etaj și un frumos balcon, clădirea castelului a suferit în cursul deceniilor multiple transformări interioare și exterioare. Castelul este înconjurat de un parc prevăzut cu lac și debarcader. După ce a fost confiscate de comuniști în 1948, la fel ca toate celelalte prorientăți regale, castelul a revenit în posesia Casei Regale la 1 iunie 2001. Principesa Margareta conduce acțiunile de restaurare a parcului și a casei în acelasi stil creat în 1943 de Regina-mamă Elena.

Parcul botanic

Parcul dendrologic din jurul castelului a fost înfiinţat de vicecomitele Andras Forray, în anul 1514, care a fost domn de pământ şi a avut moşie în zona Săvârşinului. Acest parc are o suprafaţă de 6,5 hectare şi conţine câteva specii rare de arbori şi arbuşti, declarate monumente ale naturii: brad argintiu, molid, tuia piramidală, chiparoşi de baltă, salcâm chinezesc, pin de Himalaya, alun turcesc, stejari seculari şi multe altele


The Royal Castle of Săvârşin, Arad County, Transylvania, Romania, is the country seat of King Michael I of Romania. I didn’t manage to find an exact history of the castle, so here are some alternatives…

According to 10.1 – The World of Ten, at Săvârşin there was a hunting area and the location was a hunting manor, built in 1650. Brunswick family received the domain as a donation from the Austrian Emperor. Around 1800, Franz Brunswick’s daughter, Iulia, married Count Forray Andras and the castle belonged to the Forray family until sometime in the 19th century. Franz Brunswick had another daughter, Tereza Brunswick, and a very good friend: Ludwig van Beethoven. The German composer came at Săvârşin in 1807 and fell in love with Tereza. The story appears in the Săvârşin village monograph including the fact that the famous composer dedicated ‘Apassionata’ to Franz Brunswick and ‘Sonata no. 78’ to his beloved Tereza.

According to Virtual Arad, Săvârşin Castle was built between 1650 and 1680, as a manor. Subsequently, the Empress Maria Theresa donated the domain to Count Eidenchpacher. In 1780, the entire property came into possession of Count Forray. On June 9, 1784, here was kidnapped Viscount Forray Andras Sr. by the haiduci (outlaws) led by Petre Baciu. The head of the county administration was released only after the Austrian Emperor Josef II satisfied the claims of the outlaws. On November 9, 1784, the castle was burnt during the uprising of Horea, Cloşca and Crişan. Returned from exile, Count Forray managed to restore much of the building. During the Revolution of 1848, the castle was burned and destroyed.

It subsequently became the property Count Nadajdy. One of the count daughters married with a son of Karol Hunyadi. In 1860, Nadajdy and Hunyadi have employed an Austrian architect who added a new storey and designed the side wings in Neo-Classical style, works finished in 1870. In 1941, the sole heir of the family, Hunyadi Ferenc, became Minister of Interior of Hungary. How the law forbade him to own properties in Romania, in May he made a deal with Baron Ioan Mocsony-Stârcea, grand hunting master of the Royal Court. Castle of the Săvârşin came thus in possession of Mocsony, in exchange for a property which he owned near Budapest. Between 1941-1943, there were performed modernization works.

According to Wikipedia, in 1925, when he was 16 yo, Ionel Stârcea (or Styrcea) was adopted by Austrian baron Anton Mocsonyi of Foen, a family friend who had no direct descendants. On the death of Baron, Ioan Mocioni-Stârcea have received the properties and its title, becoming the owner of a large area on Mureş Valley, between Deva and Arad (including Săvârşin and Bulci castles). He became one of the richest men in Romania.

Queen Elena of Romania fell in love at first sight of the castle. As a gesture of appreciation towards the Royal Family, Baron Mocsony-Stârcea, who was also the godfather of King Michael I, gave him the palace as a gift (according other sources, the Queen bought the castle). It was in 1943 and since then many of the most beautiful memories of King Michael are related to the castle in Săvârşin. On January 3, 1948, King Michael left Romania and the castle was nationalized.

While the castle was seized from the Royal Family by Communist authorities, in 2000, a Romanian court ordered that the building be restored to King Michael I. It entered in the touristic circuit since 2003 and was restored between 2005-2007. The King wants mostly to bring back to life the settlement through a tradition and local arts encouraging programme. Apart from founding workshops, an exhibition space (the Yellow House), and a restaurant, the Royal House wishes to transform the park according to the Highgrove Garden, as arranged by Prince Charles. The works are done on a collaboration basis with a number of London’s Writtle College representatives, who thought of developing an eco-horticulture area, of modernizing the green houses, and inventorying the plant species and fauna in the Săvârşin Park.

The dendrological park (arboretum) around the castle was established by Viscount Forray Istvan, who called a renowned landscape architect from the Empire in order to create the park by the year 1857. This park covers an area of 6.5 hectares and contains several rare species of trees and shrubs, monuments of nature, and a beautiful lake.

Cetatea RASNOV – Brasov ~ RASNOV citadele – Brasov county ~

Cetatea Râsnov – una dintre cele mai bine pastrate cetati taranesti din Transilvania a fost construita de catre locuitorii Râsnovului (se pare cu ajutorul celor din Cristian si Vulcan), pentru a se apara impotriva atacurilor tot mai frecvente ale hoardelor turce si tatare din secolele 13-14. Cetatea fiind construita de catre taranii din zona nu are un stil arhitectonic consacrat cel mai important criteriu in constructie a fost ca cetatea sa fie cat mai greu de cucerit. Astfel a fost construit din piatra si caramida pe un deal stancos din apropierea orasului. Zidurile au un traseu neregulat, au inaltimi de pana la 5 metrii si latime pe alocuri de 1,5 metrii. Turnurile cetatii si zidurile au fost acoperite cu tigla pentru a preveni eventualele incendiile cauzate de asediatori.

Cetatea are doua curti, una exterioara unde este amplasat un turn patrat numit Turnul Vechi si unde erau adapostite animalele, si una interioara.

Munca mesterilor nu a ramas fara rezultate, cu ocazia navalirii tatarilor in Tara Bârsei in secolul 13 singurele cetati care au ramas necucerite au fost cele de la Brasov cea de la Râsnov. Datorita faptului ca cetatea are o sursa de apa in interior – o fantana adanca de 143 de metrii, cei refugiati aici puteau face fata unor asedii lungi atacatorii renuntand pana la urma la asediu. Astfel Cetatea Râsnov si-a dobandit o reputatie de cetate de necucerit.

In legatura cu fantana din interior exista o legenda (asemanatoare cu ceea de la Castelul Huniazilor). Astfel legenda spune ca in timpul unui asediu râsnovenii au pus doi prizonieri turci sa sape o fantana in mijlocul cetatii si i-au asigurat ca odata ce au terminat fantana vor fi lasati sa plece. Prizonierii au sapat fantana timp de 17 ani timp in care au scris versete din Coran pe peretii acestuia (vizibile si azi). Soarta lor nu este clara unii spun ca ar fi fost lasati sa plece iar altii ca ar fi fost executati dupa terminarea fantanii.

Cetatea Râsnovului a dainuit multi ani chiar si dupa ultimul asediu din 1690, in 1718 a fost partial distrus de un incendiu iar in 1802 a fost avariata de un cutremur. In timpul revolutiei de la 1821 si a celei din 1848 multi revolutionari s-au refugiat in cetate.

In prezent Cetatea Râsnov este restaurata si poate fi vizitata existand un restaurant si o gama larga de servicii turistice fiind un exemplu pozitiv in ceea ce priveste restaurarea si intretinerea cetatilor din Transilvania. Ca aspect inedit turistii au posibilitatea sa admire intinsa Depresiune a Brasovului si Tara Bârsei prin binoclul cu fise instalat in cetate.


Râsnov Citadel is a historic monument and landmark in Romania. It is situated in Râsnov, Brasov County, in the immediate vicinity of Brasov city.

The citadel was built as part of a defence system for the Transylvanian villages exposed to outside invasions. A decisive aspect for building the citadel on the actual location was the route of the invading armies which were coming from the Bran pass and were passing through Râ?nov, on their way to Burzenland. The only chance of survival for the inhabitants of the area, inclusively from Cristian and Ghimbav was the refuge inside the citadel. Compelled to stay there for decades, the people of Râ?nov and the nearby villages turned the fortification into a dwelling.


Archaeological research revealed the existence of fortification traces on the citadel hill since prehistoric and Dacian times.
The medieval citadel of today is considered to be built between 1221 and 1225, during the rule of Teutonic Knights in Burzenland, although there is no evidence in this respect.

Because of the lack of an interior source of water, between 1623 and 1642 takes place the excavation of a fountain of 146 metres (479 ft).

In 1718 the citadel is partially destroyed by a fire and in 1802 is damaged by an earthquake.

In 1821 refugees from Wallachia (the resurgent movement leaded by Tudor Vladimirescu) retreat to the citadel.

Between 1848-1849, due to the fact that the locality is being crossed by the Hungarian revolutionists and the Austrian imperial troops, the villagers retreat to the citadel. This is the last mission of the citadel as a place of refugee and defence.

In 1850, due to the political situation and the diminution of the citadel’s defensive role, the fortification is abandoned, becoming a ruin. There was only one guard left who had to announce the outbreak of fires by tooling a bell.

Because of the two world wars and the set up of the communist regime in Romania, the citadel is restored for the first time barley in the years 1955-1956

The fountain legend

The absence of an internal water source leads to the limitation of a long term resistance. Because of this lack, it has been decided to start the digging of a fountain in the rocky soil, in 1623.
The mythical fountain

The legend around the fountain says that during a siege, the inhabitants of the citadel made two Turkish prisoners dig a fountain in the middle of the citadel in order to regain their freedom. The captives dug for 17 years, during which time they wrote verses from Quran on the fountain’s walls which can be seen even today. The fate of the prisoners isn’t doubtless, some saying that they’ve been released, and others that they’ve been killed.

The fountain was used until 1850 because of a broken wheel that caused its abandonment.

The elders from Râ?nov believe that deep in the fountain lies a treasure old of at least 300 years. However, recently alpinists have narrowly explored the fountain, without finding any trace of it


The citadel has a simple architectonic style, similar to the ordinary houses of the time and adapted to the fortification requirements. The peasants used stones and bricks for building the walls, and woods for making the gates and platforms. The towers and walls are covered with roof tiles for preventing the fires from besiegers. The walls are 5 metres (16 ft) high and the widest part is constituted by the South wall which in some areas is 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) thick.

The citadel is composed by two courts. The exterior court is located in front of the eastern wall, edged by a fortified wall and fitted with a square tower. The interior court represents the inhabitable area, having a better protection by walls and towers.

From South, West and North the citadel is limited by sharp cliffs of about 150 metres (490 ft), very hard to climb. The whole superior precinct is defended by exterior towers gathered in northern flank and western corner. The eastern side of the citadel was more vulnerable from the point of view of natural obstacles because its u-shape. To boost its defence capacity, the citadel owns in this sector the heaviest fortifications.

The eastern, western and northern sides are protected by a continuous gallery with two ante forts and seven towers. There are only two towers on the southern side which is more abrupt.

The interior courtyard is paved with narrow paths made of stone, which ribbon among the tile-roofed houses. Inside there have been conserved the ruins of a school, a chapel and over thirty houses fated to refuge the villagers and their assets.

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Castelul Mikes – Covasna ~ Mikes Castle in Covasna County ~

Aflat intr-o superba padure, Castel Mikes, datand din secolul al XVI-lea, aflat in comuna Zabala, de la poalele muntilor Vrancei, este o destinatie excelenta pentru un weekend de vis.

Localitatea Zabala a fost atestata documentar in anul 1567, fiind inregistrata cu 45 de porti. Aflata la 7 kilometri de Covasna, comuna are, in prezent, in jur de 5 100 de locuitori, iar principalele sale puncte de atractie sunt biserica datand din secolul al XV lea si Castelul Mikes.

Intins pe 34 de hectare de padure, dintre care doua ocupate de un lac, castelul a devenit un loc de refugiu si de petrecere a timpului liber, aflat departe de lumea zgomotoasa a marilor aglomerari urbane.

Castelul Mikes, care acum poarta numele de Zabola Estate, atrage turisti din intreaga lume, numai in anul 2008, acesta fiind prezentat ca o destinatie de vis in mai multe publicatii importante, de la New York Magazine si Exit Magazine pana la Harpe’s Bazaar si pe posturile de televiziune CNN, MTV si Duna Tv.

Aflata in mijlocul unui superb parc dendrologic, The Machine House, casa in care a locuit contele Mikes, este acum transformata intr-o resedinta de lux care imbina traditionalul cu modernul. Contele Armin Mikes a fost unul dintre cei mai bogati din Transilvania, unde detinea suprafete imense de padure.

Conacul, dateaza din secolul al XVI lea, si in urma cu cativa ani a fost retrocedat urmasilor contelui Mikes, Gregor si Alexander Roy Chowghury, care l-au transformat intr-o superba locatie turistica, dupa ce in timpul comunismului aici a fost scoala si mai apoi spital.

De altfel, in judetul Covasna a inceput sa prinda avant turismul in castele si conace, una dintre cele mai bune dovezi fiind vizita printului Chales la castelul de la Miclosoara, o locatie de cinci stele. Cum zona este impanzita de conace si castele, aceasta a inceput deja sa fie numita „tinutul conacelor”.


The Castle dates back to the 16th century. It is built on the remaining of an early fortified building which is suspected to be burned down in the liberation war of Transylvania. On the first floor all the ceilings were covered (currently painted over) with Frescoes from 1867 when the building was extended and redecorated. Under Communism the Castle and the estate a school and a sanatorium. Especially in the last 30 years the buildings and the park were neglected. As a first step in bringing the estate back to life archaeological research has been initiated. Research is also being undertaken in the archives.

The 34 ha park, with lakes and ponds, at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains offers a splendid view both to the mountains and the (“Three chairs”) Highland.
The park was first designed to have its current shape at the beginning of the 18th century, and was then adapted and modified by each following generation.
The current shape was created by the renowned French garden designer Achille Duchene.
The estate ownes forests, agricultural land and buildings spread over the county and other parts of Transylvania.

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Castelul Sturdza de la Miclauseni ~ Sturdza Castle from Miclauseni

Castelul Sturdza de la Miclauseni, cunoscut si sub denumirea de Palatul Sturdza, este un castel in stil neogotic construit intre anii 1880-1904 de catre Gheorghe Sturza si sotia sa Maria, in satul Miclauseni, la o distanta de 20 km de Roman si 65 km de municipiul Iasi. In prezent, se afla in proprietatea Mitropoliei Moldovei si Bucovinei.

Intre anii 1880 si 1904, George Sturdza a construit pe amplasamentul vechiului conac un frumos palat in stil neogotic tarziu, fiind o copie a castelelor feudale apusene si amintind de Palatul Culturii din Iasi, dar si de Palatul Domnesc din Ruginoasa. Planurile constructiei au fost realizate de arhitectii Iulius Reinecke si I. Grigsberg.

Influentele neogotice se regasesc in decoratiuni cum ar fi: turnulete gotice, armuri medievale, sala de manej, dictoane latinesti inscrise pe pereti, turn de intrare cu pod peste santul de apa.

In interior, castelul avea scari centrale din marmura de Dalmatia, mobilier din lemn de trandafir, minutios sculptat, sobe din teracota, portelan sau faianta, aduse de peste hotare, parchet cu intarsii din esente de paltin, mahon, stejar si abanos, confectionat de mesteri austrieci, iar plafoanele si peretii interiori au fost pictati in ulei.

Castelul adapostea o colectie valoroasa de carti si documente, de costume medievale, de arme, bijuterii, tablouri, busturi din marmura de Cararra, argintarie, dar si piese arheologice, numismatice si epigrafice de mare valoare. Numai colectia de carti numara 60.000 de exemplare, multe din ele fiind editii princeps sau rarisime.
Din pacate, castelul a fost grav afectat de-a lungul timpului, iar o buna parte din colectiile sale au fost furate, pierdute sau distruse.

In 1944, Ecaterina Cantacuzino, fiica lui Gheorghe Sturdza, paraseste acest palat din cauza razboiului. Soldatii rusi care s-au adapostit aici provoca mari distrugeri mobilierului si colectiilor. Dupa 1947, castelul va transformat in depozit militar de explozibil si centru de plasament pentru copii cu handicap psihic sever. Starea de degradare a acestui edificiu inainteaza, totul culminand cu incendiul din 1985, când ajunge aproape o ruina.

Castelul Sturdza de la Miclauseni a intrat in posesia Mitropoliei Moldovei si Bucovinei care reusit sa atraga fonduri importante destinate restaurarii acestui edificiu. Lucrarile de restaurare sunt aproape finalizate, castelul putand fi vizitat.


Sturdza Castle dates from around 1752 and is a historical and secular architecture, being a copy of western feudal castles.

During the time of George A. Sturza, the son-in-law of Ion Ghica, brother of the politician D.A. Sturzdza, the mansion extended, having 25 rooms and then, after the D.A. Sturzdza’s fabulous library was constituted (60,000 volumes, including many unique or rare). Also then, the water was introduced through a pipe of 1 km.

Around the mansion was built a large park with lake, an island and a tower, surrounded by a wall. The mansion really turned into a castle between 1880-1904, when was owned by George Sturdza. Although built in the modern era, the building presents elements of Western medieval residences, according to the plans of architects Julius Reinecke and I. Grisberg. The interior impresses through walls and ceilings painted in oil, with geometric and floral motifs, Herald lions and latin dicta. The stairs were made of marble from Dalmatia and the furniture was made of rosewood.

The paintings on terracotta of the stoves are remarkable, kept until this day. During World War One, here was arranged a hospital for wounded, founded by Maria Sturdza and her daughter, heirs of the estate in Miclauseni. The estate will be visited by numerous personalities of Romanian culture, such as: musician George Enescu, who held concerts for the wounded, the historian Nicolae Iorga who studied medieval vestiges of Miclauseni and poet Vasile Alecsandri who has found inspiration in his visits to this area.

Western cultural influences are present in the decorations, such as: Gothic towers, manege halls, medieval armors, latin dicta written on the walls, entrance tower with a bridge over the water ditch. The palace is surrounded by a beautiful bridge. During the communist regime the castle suffered serious damage due to hosting here a clinic for people with mental problems.
Today, the castle and the land are in possession of the Metropolitan of Moldova, here being a monastery.